Saturday 12 October 2013

Exploring New-Age Nostalgia #1

ERRRM. So my potential project basis, I've figured, is the marriage of old and new within video games. Essentially; to explore what made those old-school video games, and to translate that into a new experience, for both younger and older audiences. I base this concept simply on my love for classic video games from the 90's, that have seen a resurgence in style, presentation and popularity of recent years, with the boom of Apple's iPad/iPhone and indie companies transforming small projects into multi-million dollar franchises.

Not that I intend on making millions of dollars, for one I'd prefer pounds; call me ignorant.

I'm going, or at least HOPING, to explore both areas of old and new-school through online articles, magazines, reviews and features to help justify and satisfy why I could be working potentially on this project.

Throughout this 'typing in google' exercise I found numerous pages dedicated to write-ups on new games, reflecting an old feel; whether it was graphics or overall design based nostalgia.

Brutal Doom is a mod created and released a few years ago by SGtMarkIV (his page) as a humorous exploration into today's modern shooting and first-person action, in Doom's 1993 engine.
Intentionally humorous, as it nods towards the old-style of gaming - not just with the engine and game's design - but with the often rarely used aesthetics such as excessive, almost cartoonish, blood and gore - of which was vastly imitated throughout this genre explosion in the 1990's.
I stumbled across a feature within Edge Magazine's online feed exploring this mod's attempts at bringing 'today's trends to id Software's 1993 opus'.

Edge have always nothing but professionally written feedback, especially within there reviews and features such as this. Notable quotes such as,

'Returning to a game so long after its debut with your guarded glossy memories of those lost house together at the forefront of your mind can be a crushing, sobering experience. Perhaps that's why the recent remake and HD rerelease culture has been so popular of late, as developers attempt to offer us experiences that live up to our memories when the originals don't.'


'It's also a mod that will open the game up to a newer audience with more twitch-gaming tastes and less patience. And for the players birthed into the age of social and communal gaming, Brutal Doom features the mod-cons of co-op, horde and deathmatch modes, too, with stable servers rumbling beneath all the controlled chaos.'

help reimburse my project, and provide baby steps towards the additional evidence and research-based features I'm yet to stumble across throughout the year.

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